Weekend Yoga Training to Become Trainer

Weekend Yoga Training Programme

Yoga is based on the ancient preaching of Hinduism. It involves various activities that not only provides strength to body but also purify soul. These activities involves postures & movements that provides adequate stretch in the body so that proper flow of blood takes place. This eventually results in offering full nourishment to the injured cells, thus making you fit.


It also involves for mental strength so that one attains self-control. These activities together bring balance in life. The overall effect of these activities lead to elimination of stress, revitalization & purification of body & mental peace.


Yog Mantrana is offering weekend yoga training programme to the practitioners. In this, they will learn various asanas that can offer them healthy & balanced life. Our experienced trainers will teach this subject in an easiest way so that you can get full knowledge. These postures are very effective in controlling various lifestyle diseases. These sessions will definitely help you in getting relaxed & healthy.



Yog Mantrana is a specialist organization that is offering weekend yoga teachers training sessions in Delhi/NCR. During these sessions, one will understand all aspects of the learning of yoga. After the completion of the session, candidates get fully aware about all yoga postures, mudras & other aspects related to this subject.


Our yoga gurus will teach these subjects in a comprehensive but planned program so that candidates know every aspect of this ancient knowledge.

During these sessions, candidates gather full information about the different systems of body. They will also understand that how each posture impacts the body.

Weekend Yoga Courses

  • Our Sessions are Fully Booked

Course Objectives:

  • To understand all theories of Yoga
  • To equip yoga teachers with advanced subject knowledge – both theory & practice

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidate must be 18 or above of age
  • Candidate must have be medically fit* to undertake yoga exercises
  • Candidates have practiced Yoga for a minimum of 6 months
  • Candidate should be keen enough to learn this ancient philosophy
  • During the program, candidates will be served satvik food.

Upcoming Schedule For Next Batch

16th Jan 2017 to 4th March 2017
Delhi/NCR (Week Day For International Only)

18th Feb 2017 to 2nd April 2017
Delhi/NCR (Weekend Day)

20th Feb 2017 to 10th March 2017
Delhi/NCR (Weekdays Course)

13th Feb 2017 to 31st March 2017
Delhi/NCR (Weekdays Course)

16th May 2017 to 31st May 2017
Delhi/NCR (Weekdays Course)

1st June 2017 to 15th June 2017
Delhi/NCR (Weekdays Course)

16th June 2017 to 30th June 2017
Delhi/NCR (Weekdays Course)

9th Jul 2016 to 17th Sep 2016
16th Oct 2016 to 17th Dec 2016
Delhi/NCR (Weekdays Course)

14th January 2017 to 26th Feburary 2017 :

Weekdays Course.
Venue for the YTTC

Zorba the Buddha No.7 , Tropical Drive,Mehrauli – Gurgaon Road ,Ghitorni, New Delhi -110030, India.

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